The Volpini Exhibition, 1889

The Exhibition at the Café des Arts in summer 1889 was arranged by Paul Gauguin and his circle, on the walls of a café just outside the gates of the Exposition universelle, and run by a certain Monsieur Volpini. Though Gauguin and his companions had a poster[1] and an illustrated catalogue printed, this show of Paintings by the Impressionist and Synthetist Group (Peintures du Groupe Impressioniste et Synthétiste) went almost unappreciated and finally proved to be a disaster: "Nothing sold", was the bitter summary for the participants.



The official art exhibition at the Palais des Beaux Arts accompanying the Exposition universelle displayed works only by invited artists, and furthermore, the selection of works to be exhibited had to pass the judgement of official juries. Neither Gauguin nor his friends could hope to enter this exhibition. But by chance, Emile Schuffenecker found another way that their work could be presented to the public. Monsieur Volpini, the owner of the Grand Café des Beaux-Arts, had a problem: the mirrors he had ordered in Italy to decorate the interior of his café, would not arrive in time for the opening of the Exposition universelle. It was proposed that the gap could be filled with a display of paintings by Schuffenecker and his friends. Gauguin received this news in Brittany: "Bravo! You have succeeded", he answered and added: "Remember that it is we who are inviting the others, therefore ... (!)" Gauguin proposed to include:

Guillaumin as well as Theo van Gogh, acting for his brother Vincent, refused to participate, while Anquetin, Laval and Monfreid joined the group - and finally, Bernard split his contribution: two of his paintings were shown under the pseudonym Ludovic Nemo and described as peintures pètroles.

Artists participating

Layout and Illustrations

The catalogue of this exhibition has a somewhat idiosyncratic layout. The title page is followed by a list of contributing artists (Exposants), accompanied by a reproduction of Gauguin's "Aux Rochers noires". The next double-page lists Gauguin's contribution (nos. 31-47) and reproduces Gauguin's Les Faneuses, and the one following Schuffenecker's list (nos. 55-67, 78, 69-73, 83) together with Ramasseuses de varech (Yport). Émile Bernard continues (nos. 7-19bis, 75-88), illustrated by Reverie. Now, Louis Anquetin (Nos. 1-6bis) precedes Louis Roy (nos. 49-54bis) and an illustration of his Gardeur de cochons. Léon Fauché (nos. 22, 23, 25, 26, 28) and a reproduction of his Paysan occupies the next two pages, Charles Laval (nos. 84, 85, 89-96) and George Daniel (nos. 20-21bis) continue; Femme lisant of the latter is illustrated. The two final pages of the catalogue list two works by Ludovic Némo (nos. 74, 87) accompanied by an untitled reproduction, and note that an album of lithographs by Bernard and Gauguin can be seen on demand (Visible sur demande Album de Lithographies, par Paul Gauguin et Émile Bernard).




  1. ^ Poster, 39,8 x 28,6 cm, printed by E. Watelet, 1889
  2. ^ Letter to Schuffenecker, c. : see Malingue no.
